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What Physical Therapists Need to Know about Top Ranking Hospitals

The best rehabilitation hospitals in America boil down to a “Top 25” list, and are chosen via recommendation of specialists who give their highest marks to facilities offering state of the art procedures and care.

In review of the crème de la crème, PTs and therapists of every stripe find the following consistency: the top 25 rehab hospitals share zip codes with some of the most metropolitan cities in the country; for some professionals living in these exciting environments, the cost of living is high—fortunately, this is not the case for employees of our Therapist Staffing Agency, where free private housing make physical therapy jobs infinitely more appealing.

Another reason therapists and folks in occupational therapy jobs will be glad they read this?

American Traveler Allied matches qualified applicants with physical therapy jobs our nation’s top rehab hospitals, school divisions and outpatient facilities.

You can read more about the metro areas where top rehabilitation therapy facilities are located on online professional platform sites, like, which helps college students, alumni and employers utilize career networks across the country, ultimately landing the best Rehab Jobs.

Therapists craving city details—let’s say, for example you and the rest of your graduating class wanted to apply for physical therapist jobs in Florida—would be wise to click around and get more information on PT jobs in the sunshine state, where benefits and compensation are nice and high.

Let us once again remind you, though, that therapists perusing websites like American Traveler Allied and AfterCollege —and subsequently finding scintillating photos of Top metro areas for rehab therapists, need not worry about pricey renter’s fees that have a way of making such cities notorious—notorious for skyscrapers and sky high costs in living that is—at American Traveler Allied you don’t pay any rent—and, as a result, you do a LOT more living!

In closing, and because we think it resonates better this way, check out our list below, containing the ambitious therapist’s short list of cities we staff with allied health professionals. When you apply online for a job in one of these happening towns, or in a American Traveler Allied staffed state close to the high ranking action, you’re likely to land at one of the Top 25—a fantastic move for your physical therapy career!